Music Midi MC - Almost Live
Whisky Johnny

Words & music traditional

O whisky is the life of man - Whisky Johnny!
And I'll drink whisky whenever I can - Whisky for my Johnny!

O, whisky killed my poor old dad - Whisky Johnny!
And whisky drove my mother mad - Whisky Johnny!

If whisky was a river and I was a duck - Whisky Johnny
I'd swim to the bottom and have a good suck - Whisky Johnny!

O, whisky sweet or whisky sour - Whisky Johnny!
Well, I drink whisky any hour - Whisky Johnny!

O, whisky hot and whisky cold - Whisky Johnny!
O whisky new and whisky old - Whisky Johnny!

A gallant tot to every man - Whisky Johnny!
And a bloody great bottle for the shantyman - Whisky Johnny!

"Whisky Johnny" - a popular halyard shanty. The last verse always reminded about a special issue of drink for the shantyman.
thick in the head - stupid or hangover.

Music Midi MC - Almost Live