Music Midi CD - Tak bylo (1987-1992) CD - Sea Songs & Shanties MC - Pozegnanie Liverpoolu
Pozegnanie Liverpoolu

Polish words: Krzysztof Kuza, Jerzy Rogacki
Music traditional: "The Leaving of Liverpool"

Zegnaj nam dostojny, stary porcie.
Rzeko Mersey zegnaj nam!
Zaciagnalem sie na rejs do Kalifornii,
Bylem tam juz niejeden raz.

    A wiec zegnaj mi, kochana ma.
    Za chwile wyplyniemy w dlugi rejs.
    Ile miesiecy cie nie bede widzial? Nie wiem sam,
    Lecz pamietac zawsze bede cie.
Zaciagnalem sie na herbaciany kliper.
Dobry statek, choc slawe ma zla,
A ze kapitanem jest tam stary Burgess,
Plywajacym pieklem wszyscy go zwa.
    A wiec zegnaj mi, kochana ma...
Z kapitanem tym plyne juz nie pierwszy raz.
Znamy sie od wielu, wielu lat.
Jeslis dobrym zeglarzem - rade sobie dasz,
Jesli nie - tos cholernie wpadl.
    A wiec zegnaj mi, kochana ma...
Zegnaj nam dostojny, stary porcie.
Rzeko Mersey zegnaj nam.
Wyplywamy juz na rejs do Kalifornii,
Gdy wrocimy - opowiemy wam.
    A wiec zegnaj mi, kochana ma...

"Pozegnanie Liverpoolu" ("The Leaving of Liverpool") - a forebitter - and one of the best known folk songs, which both Englishmen as well as Irishmen readily acknowledge as their own. Captain Burgess of the clipper "Davy Crocket" was a real person. The Polish version has been a success since 1978 when it was premiered by "Refpatent" at the Gorki Zachodnie festival. Later the Polish group "Stare Dzwony" added it to their repertoire, and now possibly all Polish bands have performed it. This song is nearly always sung by all performers and the audience at the end of sea song festivals in Poland, and elsewhere as well. Some claim that this is done as a punishment.

Music Midi CD - Tak bylo (1987-1992) CD - Sea Songs & Shanties MC - Pozegnanie Liverpoolu