"Niech zabrzmi piesn"
AKZ - 02 (MC)
1. Niech zabrzmi piesn
2. Syrena
3. Wesoly wiatr
4. Harvest home
5. Lawice
6. Chwyc za handszpak
7. Kusa Janka
8. The Rights of Man
9. Mister Stormalong
10. Tysiace mil stad
11. Ballada o Botany Bay
12. Gurling of the Churn/ Humours of Whiskey
13. Jan Rebec
14. Paddy i wieloryb
15. My Love She's but a Lassie Yet
16. Wielorybnik Johnny
17. Andrew Rose
18. The Turpine Hero/ Virgin Pullets
19. W gore raz! Hej, ciagnac tam!